Erin and Brooke loved the baby dedication and being on stage. On the way to church, Erin asked if she could please talk on the microphone...I asked her what she would say and she said she would say this, "God made Kameron and we should all be thankful"...
During the first service Brooke screamed for Papa and in the second service Erin yelled for D...some of our close friends came to watch the dedication...Kyle and I feel so blessed to have the friends that we do (thanks for coming!)...
During the first service Brooke screamed for Papa and in the second service Erin yelled for D...some of our close friends came to watch the dedication...Kyle and I feel so blessed to have the friends that we do (thanks for coming!)...
So, Kameron's dedication was really a dedication of the parents to raise our children remembering this scripture:
"You shall teach them diligently to your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of you house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:7-9
In a nutshell, I should talk about God's love, His commands, and His promises all day long to each of my children...apart of our natural favorite right now, is this: Girls, STOP WHINING!! :) because God says in Philippians and Exodus to, "Do all things without complaining/grumbling or disputing."...hasn't changed much yet, but we will perservere :) I asked Erin why she is supposed to not whine and she said because she shouldn't grumble and I asked Brooke and she said because we won't get Dora gumbies :)
While I was sitting on the front pew, a lady beside me said that is the prettiest family! I leaned over and told her...that's my sister and her family!
Great blog entry.
We loved sharing in your special day!
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