Thursday, December 31, 2009



Just started reading it. I didn't really care one way or another about Sarah Palin, but this book will light your patriotic fire, give you hope for America, and will sell you out for Sarah Palin. She is governed by convictions and 'the people', not politics.

You will also see why the left wing media hates her and tries to destroy her...because, in my opinion, liberals want to be the flagship for compassion and they are not compassionate for many reasons, but the most obvious, to me, is their view on life...if only you could ask the unborn babies and their mothers, almost all mothers regret and grieve over their abortion, I think they'd agree...

but Sarah, she is compassion...


Honeyman 4 said...

Reading it too...

Lacey said...

I want to read it. Maybe I can borrow it from one of you girls when your done. :) Happy New Year!!

Swartz's Scribbles said...

Well now I want to read it.:)