Thursday, July 2, 2009

on a lazy day, questions are answered...

by my girls....

Who is your dad?
e and b: kyle robert

What does he do?
e: takes us to the donut shop sometimes (but we don't eat donuts) :)
b: takes me to church

Who is your mom?
e and b: sarah

How much do you love your mom and dad?
b: I love them so much
e: I love my momma big, so big and I love my dad so big...

What is your favorite thing about summer?
e: playing with all my friends, like daddy, kameron, and everyone I know
b: playing with mimi and papa, and getting in the water at their house

Do you like hot days?
e: I do, I just like to go swimming on hot days
b: I like hot days in summer when I'm swimming

What do you like to play?
e: little mermaid
b: with toys in the car

What's your name?
b: 'burk'
e: erin elizabeth watson

What are you thankful for?
e: you, swimming pools, ocean, kameron, and everyone around me
b: the stars and the flowers

What do you want to do when you're an adult?
b: be a daddy
e: be a mommy, actually I really want to be something else...I want to be all of them, I can't choose...a fireman...

What do you tell Jesus about?
e: I tell Him about the holy words
b: about how I'm going to play

Who is your best friend?
e: Drew and Tyler
b: God

What's your favorite movie?
e: Aladdin
b: the spiders

What is your favorite thing to do?
b: um, play and go swimming
e: play with you, now put the TV back on...

What do you want to do today?
b: umm, play with someone, and play in the house
e: watch TV all day


Greg and Joy Ryan said...

They are the cutest! We miss you guys. We have had lazy days at home this week..gregs surgery, james appt...Hopefully we can reconnect next week!

Lacey said...

Out of the mouth of babes!! Love it! Love that Erin tells God the Holy Words. They are so cute!!

Becky Todd said...

That is so cute!! Hope to see you this weekend! :)

Jenni said...

Love it!