Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Gosh, it's already been a week! Time flies when you're having fun, right? Got to love's the best! Not me Monday was created by MckMama for moments in your life when you do something that makes you think, 'did I do that? No, not me'!

I did not buy organic orzo pasta from the canisters at my grocery store, let it sit on the shelf in my pantry for a week, open it to make a new creation, only to see little live bugs crawling around. I did NOT proceed to sift through the pasta, locate and destroy all unwanted guests, and think to myself, 'if I missed one, the boiling water will take care of it'. Nope, not me! And I certainly, did not serve it to my children, who did not eat it, nor did I have three servings before the story unfolded to Kyle and I came back to reality and dumped the dish!

I did not hang out at the pool last week for many hours with the highlight of that time spent underneath the water slide talking with friends about the end of the world...nope, not me.

I did not take a CPR class and while resuscitating a plastic dummy, I thought about the real life person I was saving the whole time. Not me, I'm not that dramatic!

I hope some of you try this! It's easy, if you're anything like me :)


Drahdrah said...

Don't worry about the Orzo incident, there was a bit of added protein !!! Happy Monday.

GINGER said...
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GINGER said...

HI! I was a friend of Kyle's in High school. Just wanted to tell you how beautiful your family is. All those girls!!! How much fun. Please tell Kyle hi for me if you wouldn't mind.
