Thursday, February 26, 2009

Principles to live by...

This year we have been studying the Life of Moses in BSF, Bible Study Fellowship...Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.  You'd think there wouldn't be a whole lot of application from reading most of the Pentateuch...but there is.  Our leader has given us so many principles from these books to live are a few from this year:

God is at work in the dark times as well as in the light times.
God speaks to ordinary people on ordinary days to follow His extraordinary will.
God's plans are greater than our greatest disappointments and discouragements.
Discouragements and defeats are not meant to keep us down, but to turn us to God.
You win when you submit and follow God, if you fight God, you will lose every time.
There is only one way to be saved, and it's God's way.
Questioning God's provision and care reveals our lack of trust and our self-centeredness.
Obedience to God, brings God's blessings.
The closer you draw to God, the more others fall away...Moses went to the mountain top alone.
Worshiping and serving God must be a priority and must be done properly.
Having idols in our lives brings destruction to us and everyone else.
Tolerance doesn't mean we tolerate sin.
Disloyalty to God results in great judgement from God...He wants all of you, not a part, and He wants you all the time, not just sometimes.
Obedience to God is required to have intimacy with Him.
Blessings and punishments are both promises from God.
The Christian life is a battle ground, not a playground. 
God will NEVER fit into your schedule, you need to fit in His.
Complacency is the enemy of our character and spiritual growth.
All complaining angers God.

That last one was yesterday's principle and it hit hard.  That's all I's how I start conversations...the remedy? grateful in everything.

Next year we are studying's said to be the greatest love story in the Bible...consider this your invitation...

1 comment:

Honeyman 4 said...

BSF is such a life changing, biblical teaching class, I hope to share it with many friends (anywhere). :)