Friday, September 11, 2009


2001. I was a newlywed, living in Downtown Houston, watching the Today Show, and getting ready for work. I was in the middle of drying my hair when they had breaking news that a plane had crashed into one of the World Trade Centers. I ran into the bedroom to wake Kyle as they were interviewing a restaurant employee who thought, at first, it was a small commuter plane, but the commenters were all confused, wondering why it would have been flying that low and why into a building since it was such a beautifully clear sunny day. Minutes later, the second plane hit the second Tower, and the anchor declared, 'America is under attack'.

I watched smoke bellow from the top of the Twin Towers, papers slowly drifting down to the ground, white t-shirts flagging the news helicopters, and eventually living people jump from their office windows of almost a 100 stories high and plummet to their deaths.

I went into work, my co-worker brought a TV from home so we could watch it in her office. That's when I heard news of a plane crashing into the Pentagon and another going down in Pennsylvania. My parents were visiting my sister in Pennsylvania and I couldn't get them on the cell phone and the news wasn't anymore specific other than 'rural Pennsylvania' sister lives on a farm. I was scared.

In NYC, fire fighters were going into the Towers, people were rushing out running for their lives, there were fighter jets flying over the Potomac, and men and women, calling home from the tops of the Towers, telling their families to be brave and that they loved them. I remember the heros in America who responded to their love of country and their love for fellow man.

Today I'm grateful for our Troops and praying for God's speed back home.

1 comment:

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Thank you for sharing your memories of 9-11... we are blessed to live in a country with so many heros!! So glad you put your link on the (in)courage site!