Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mommy is "Perdy"...

Mommy is "perdy", sounds like a southern way to say pretty, but what Brooke means when she says "perdy" is thirty.  It's true, Rachel and I turned thirty this weekend and our husbands threw us a quasi surprise birthday party...the only true surprise was the arrival of our friends, Diane and Kelly, from Dallas :)  It was a nice, low key dinner with friends of ours at our home...Kameron, in Kim's arms, joined the party until a little after midnight...

Saying goodbye to my 20's is not too bad...I'm grateful for my birthdays and as my grandfather says, aging sure beats the alternative...and I agree.  In my thirty years, I survived/experienced many things: a broken leg at 10 months, an arch nemesis in elementary (she made me famous in the book she wrote "Blood, Sweat and Tears", mono in junior high (missing 32 days of geometry), high school rebellion, college independence, marriage and three children three years and younger.  

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Happy Birthday!!! Sorry we missed the fun time!!! Welcome to the 30s!