Thursday, March 12, 2009

Conversations with Erin...

Erin is asking some tough questions lately....ones that I've considered not telling her the whole truth on. For instance, last weekend we were driving in the car and Brooke was in the back seat chanting that she didn't love Erin started asking me questions...

Erin: "Mom, Brookie doesn't love God...Doesn't everyone love God?"
Me: "No"
Erin: "What happens to people who don't love God when they die?"
Me: "They don't go to heaven."
Erin: "then where do they go?"
Me: "Uh...they're separated from God"...(thinking she'll stop here, but she doesn't)...
Erin: "What is that place called?"
Me: stalling, "What place?"
Erin: "the place where they're separated from God!" (duh)
Me: honesty is the best policy is what I was thinking when I blurted out, "hell".
Erin: "what's that place like?"
Me: "it's a place where they don't feed you and you're always thirsty"...
Erin: closes her eyes and starts to pray, "Dear God, I love you and will you please give Brooke something to drink when she's in "ell"...


Lindsay said...

I am so scared of this age when they start asking questions!! Good job.

Greg and Joy Ryan said...

omg...Greg and I are cracking up! What an inquisitive little girl you have.

The Milams said...

That is hilarious! I told Zachary about hell a while back and he will randomly blurt out, "Is so and so going to hell?" and Brandon and I crack up every time he says it. I wanted to be honest with him, but to hear him say it is hilarious!