She accepted Christ in the BSF John study almost 2 years ago...she was very persistent and I was hesitant because she was so young...but God is sovereign and He knows her heart and I definitely didn't want to stand in the way. She finished her discipleship book just a month or so ago and was really ready to let people know that she loves Jesus and believes He is God's Son and that His death on the cross paid for her sins and declares her righteous before God.
We are so's her baptism in pictures...
And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. May you be strengthened in all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy, giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.
A note to Erin:
It was an awesome day. You were so ready, you were glowing. You were so persistent in your desire to ask Jesus to live in your heart and I was so hesitant because I thought you may be too young...I still have a lot to learn about God's sovereignty...
The fruit of the Holy Spirit has been so evident in you...your soft heart, your love for Jesus and others, your boldness in sharing the Gospel to others, your unashamed worship, your desire and faithfulness to know and memorize His true Word, your kindness, your self control (that's hard with 2 sisters!), your conviction and sorrow over your sin...
And when you asked Opa this weekend if you could pray for him, out of nowhere, I was just blown away by God's goodness...your prayer of thanksgiving for him and what he has done for his family and his country was beautiful...
I know you aren't and won't be perfect, or anywhere near it (none of us are) :) but I'm so glad you accepted the One who is...
I love you,
Wow! Beautiful!
Awww... I am so excited for Erin!!! Even though she is young, it is obvious with the stories I hear that she HAS accepted Christ as her Savior and He IS living in her. I love that she already has the desire to make sure everyone she meets and cares about is saved!! She is living out Gods plan well ALREADY.
Your post made me teary eyed. Happy tears. :) So happy for Erin and for your family. And love that Kyle baptized her!! What a GREAT day!!
What a precious girl with a tender heart! I loved this so much. How incredible to see this story of a girl so young who is passionate about loving Christ and making His truth known. Thanks for sharing!
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